$777.00 USD

Every year

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1000x Life Annual

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(*After purchase please check your email for more information from "Dreams MasterClass. If you don't receive a congratulations email, please check your spam. You can email [email protected] with any questions.)

You are getting:

  • 1000x Life: 24-7 access to 1000x Life Membership
  • Peer-to-Peer Support: Benefit from mutual feedback and support from your fellow tribe members as you hone your interpretation skills. Our private Facebook Group is your safe place to grow.
  • 1000x Life Library: Access to the Art of Dream Interpretation Course, the Interpreting God Bootcamp, and other trainings and bonuses including 10+ Coaching Q&A and Labs through our online Learning portal
  • Dreams Lab: Live, interactive dream interpretation lab with a facilitator. Monthly. 
  • Prophetic Lab: Live, interactive prophetic activation lab with a facilitator. Monthly. 
  • LIVE Monthly Dream Coaching Q&A calls with Hany or one of our expert coaches to answer your dream interpretation questions and see Hany or our coaches interpret community members’ dreams.
  • LIVE Monthly Prophetic Coaching Q&A calls with Hany or one of our expert coaches to answer your questions on prophecy and hearing from God.
  • Dreams Live Broadcast: LIVE dream interpretation with Hany or one of our expert coaches.
  • Interpreting God Bootcamp